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Fellows Program
The mission of CHEMA will be furthered by leveraging and supporting select volunteers, designated as Associate Fellows, Fellows, and Senior Fellows, depending on their level of experience and time dedication to CHEMA.
An Associate Fellow, Fellow, and Senior Fellow should have demonstrated production and publication of research and analysis impacting policy and leadership in the field of higher education, with a scholarly excellence similar to that of an Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor, or equivalent, at an accredited university or other center of higher education, respectively.
- An Associate Fellow’s, Fellow’s, and Senior Fellow’s rights and responsibilities include:
- Support, promote, and contribute to the goals of CHEMA and the FREE Foundation.
- Work closely with the CHEMA Director(s) to discuss policy research and analysis ideas in relation to the CHEMA’s mission, as well as the form in which dissemination of this work will take, e.g., potential blogs, reports, or forums.
- Produce publishable analyses regarding the need for, the opportunities of, the challenges inherent, and other related topics on corporate restructuring higher education, subject to approval by the CHEMA Director. The quantity of the productivity required will vary by scholarship track:
- Associate Fellows: a minimum of one relevant and publishable analyses annually.
- Fellows: a minimum of two relevant and publishable analyses annually.
- Senior Fellows: a minimum of three relevant and publishable analyses annually.
- Serve as a mentor to younger/newer individuals interested in research, analysis, and policy in the field.
- Participate in CHEMA-sponsored events, including the potential lecture, podcast and webinar series.
- Foster collaborations and future goals of CHEMA.
- Maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethical principles and ensure that their action does not diminish CHEMA or the FREE Foundation’s general reputation, credibility, or marketability.
- Notify CHEMA before using their CHEMA affiliation in the media or at other public events. Associate Fellows, Fellows, and Senior Fellows may only use their affiliation during the term of your appointment.
The request for initial appointment should state qualifications and interest in the organization, potential benefit to CHEMA, along with the supporting documents. The request should be forwarded to the CHEMA Director.
Appointments will be for a period of two years, at which time the Associate Fellow, Fellow, or Senior Fellow may elect to request renewal or advancement (if Associate Fellow to Fellow, and if Fellow to Senior Fellow) of their appointment, providing written support for this request.
The CHEMA Director will meet, electronically or in person, within four (4) weeks of the request for renewal or advancement to consider and issue a decision regarding the appointment. A letter of decision will be sent to the applicant with copies sent to the President of the FREE Foundation.
Regardless, at any time, a scholar’s appointment may be reviewed by the CHEMA Director, and the appointment may be rescinded, if deemed necessary due to misconduct or any infraction not in accordance with the standards of CHEMA and the FREE Foundation.